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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Two Ways of Explaining Classical Education

(from Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child by Cheryl Swope)

Key Elements of Classical Education (pages 177-178)
  • recitation and repetition during early stages and during introductory study of any content area
  • diligent study and analytical thought as the child matures
  • cultivation of eloquence, beauty, and persuasion in the student's writing and speaking
  • Socratic questioning for the pursuit of truth
  • the reading and analysis of good literature
  • the ancient languages and writings
  • the Great Books of Western civilization
  • the seven liberal arts [grammar, logic, rhetoric, mathematics, music, geometry, astronomy]
  • the formation of a well-educated, virtuous human being who lives his life in noble service to others
Page 229:
Consistent Curriculum
Learning of Classical Languages (to the greatest extent possible for each child)
Academic Achievement
Skills in Three Arts of Language & Four Arts of Mathematics 
Integrated Content
Character, Virtue, Excellence
Absolute Truth, Goodness, Beauty
Love of Literature and Learning

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